Frequently asked questions

No, not yet!

Our site leverages AI to transform your ideas into published books. Share your story's outline and preferences, and our platform crafts your narrative, tailoring every detail to your vision. From conception to a finished book with stunning cover art, we provide a seamless journey to bring your stories to life, effortlessly readying them to enchant readers worldwide.

We only use keep the data for 7 days. Your data privacy and security are our top priorities.

You can check current pricing by entering your email in the sign up box and following the link to see the pricing table.

Yes, our payment service is secure. We use Stripe for financial processing, and we do not store any information about your card. Stripe ensures bank-level security standards.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds as costs incurred for creating books and generating AI cover photos are extremely high. In turn, our upstream providers do not let us ask for refunds for the GPU processing time used to create your books and generating AI coverphotos. This would make it a loss making endeavor for us. During sign up you agree to withhold your right to refund for this reason.

Our AI model uses advanced algorithms to identify and block explicit content, ensuring a safe environment for users. It automatically screens submissions for inappropriate language, imagery, and themes. Due to this safety feature, we cannot generate explicit content, and submissions blocked by our filters are not eligible for refunds. This policy helps maintain the platform's integrity and safety for all users.